Academic essay in the field of neuroscience. It is essential that there is criti


Academic essay in the field of neuroscience. It is essential that there is critical evaluation of research studies rather than only a descriiptive summary (quality over quantity). Ideally per paragraph you can pick 1-2 studies of the ones you have referenced and explain/ evaluate them in more detail
Please roughly use the following suggested structure and scope:
– Introduction (~150 words), incl what schizophrenia is, its prevalence and significance in neuroscience/ psychology, then essay objective, thesis statement and and essay outline
– Background (~150 words): definition and symptoms of schizophrenia, incl. main symptoms and diagnostic criteria, and prevalence. Highlight what we know today about its roots (i.e. that it is not clearly just gene OR environment, but a complex interplay, although we know it is highly heritable)
– Genetic factors (~400 words): summary of genetic research findings, heritability estimates e.g. from twin/ family studies; specific genes and mutations, the role of mutations, and copy number variations; interaction of multiple genes i.e. polygenic nature and how multiple genes might interact to increase risk
– Environmental factors (~400 words): descriiption of envrionmental factors that have been associated with increased risk e.g. prenatal exposure to infection, urbanicity, cannabis, adverse trauma events in childhood, etc.; mechanisms of impact and how they interact with brain development and function; you could introduce the stress-diathesis model at this point
– Interaction between genes and environment (~250 words): concept of GxE, how can genetic susceptibility and environmental factors interact; role of epigenetics (e.g. DNA methylation)
– Critical evaluation (~300 words): strengths and limitations of current research critically evaluated, challenges in disentangling the effects of G and E; implications for treatment and prevention, future research directions
Conclusion (~150 words): summary of key findings and arguments/ theses presented, emphasizing complexity of topic; final thoughts, outlook
Ideally please include genome-wide-association studies (GWAS) and genetic gene-environment interaction studies.
Please do not exceed 1,500 words


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