Select a sport event that is occurring this weekend – you can attend live or wat


Select a sport event that is occurring this weekend – you can attend live or watch live but I want you to experience the event as “live” as possible, not just read about it later.
Watch the event and take notes about the discourse or communication that you see happening within the sport event/broadcast itself (including appropriate social media platforms). You might ask the following questions:
What voices are part of this sport event’s communication patterns?
How many different ways is communication happening at this event?
What symbols, visuals, spaces, or other modes of communication do I notice?
If possible, watch your fellow spectators for connections to our class. You might ask the following questions:
Does this sport create a “discourse community”?
What are fans reacting to: play, off-field/court issues, sponsors/media?
After the event, with your notes and class materials in hand, create a 2 page typed essay (12 pt font max, 1” margins, double spaced) that answers the following questions:
-How did your event meet the definition of sport “discourse” from our text?
-Use one class term in this section and bold that term, citing its pg #
-How did your event illustrate the definition of sport (no S) from our book?
-Use one class term in this section and bold that term, citing its pg #
Provide 2 unique, insightful observations about the sport discourse you observed.
Hint: Go big here, not just “the coach was mad” but “the coach seemed to use an aggressive form of masculine authority to make his point to players, it didn’t seem to always work, based on the players’ faces at the bench.”
No bolded terms required; see grading guidelines below:
Your assignment will be graded for basic writing mechanics, fulfillment of all parts of assignment, depth of reflection on course material, specifics of original observations.
Please note that bolded terms should be followed by an in-text citation of their page # in our course text. (For example: “The coach used masculine authority (17) to make the point to his players.”)
USE Communication and Sport
Andrew C. Billings; Michael L. Butterworth 4th edition chapeter1 and 2 ONLY for the bolded words


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