I provided the document for the case study and our team notes. Conduct research


I provided the document for the case study and our team notes. Conduct research on the sustain strategy and focus on the Japanese, Tesla, and competitor markets. Include the research documents and then make section names to break down the information. ____
Tesla is one of PwC’s long-term clients… and PwC is undertaking a new project to help solve some headwinds Tesla is facing. As most know, Tesla plays an influential role in the electric vehicle market and its brand is synonymous with disruptive technological innovations in today’s modern era. However, they have recently stopped on creative ways to accelerate the advent of clean transport and energy production continually. You are a consultant tasked with advising the Tesla board on improving their current strategy.
QUESTION: The question your team must solve is divided into two parts.
How can Tesla remain a market leader in the electric vehicle (EV) market from a strategic perspective?
What is Tesla’s proposed valuation (assuming your strategy is implemented)?
Part 2: GROW
What future technologies can you recommend for Tesla to remain competitive and achieve its strategic goals?
How will you implement this strategy?
We recommend you outline two strategic recommendations. Use the material learnt throughout your internship as well as external research to create a PowerPoint deck of up to 12 slides, detailing your strategy and recommendations.
Tesla’s operating segments can be broken down into the following:
The automotive segment includes the design, development, manufacturing, sales and leasing of electric vehicles as well as sales of automotive regulatory credits. – FOCUS?
The energy generation and storage segment include the design, manufacture, installation, sales and leasing of solar energy systems and energy storage products, services related to its products, and sales of solar energy system incentives
things to consider and understand with research:
concern with grow: truly afforadble or not or more afforable than present
mass production is more affordable — better than one off pieces
3d printers for study materials are more costly (only one thing at a time)
– cost benefit analysis
rope in customization and luxury feel of tesla for consumers
– justification in feasibility – falls into risks of strategy (make solutions)
stats and figures – cost feasiable (best justification ) – profit making strategy
– lots of investment
– far because of geography – island (additional costs) to get into japan
– manufactoring costs – build a car in japan
risk: japanese loyalty — countries that are on it on the automative industry — own nationalities cars — cutlural and image thing
– japan, chinese and korea (dont want to import – only exporting) — import cars because japense cars are best
would tesla have market shares?
look into what companies hold the market (% shares in teh market and how many people use it) – predict how much could tesla take (more than 5%)
look into costs (when tesla could go into profit)
if numbers are low – use this strategy as a suggestion, as japan being a starting point becuase once we infiltrate japanse market it will be easier bc of trust and culture
EVs – less innovation in japan
include budgeting plan–which one is it? top-down, activity-based, zero-based or bottom up budgeting?


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