Hi, Each student is required to submit 3 project proposals related to Busness of


Each student is required to submit 3 project proposals related to Busness of a maximum of 2 pages for each proposal for the idea of their
research which should include the following:
1- A Preliminary research title.
2- One research question.
a. Sub-questions if applicable.
3- Research objectives maximum of 3 objectives.
4- Research framework which is formed by:
a. 3 independent variables.
b. 1 dependent variable.
5- Research hypothesis maximum of 3 (one per variable/objective)
6- General methodological approach.
N.B. during the selection of the research topic, each student should think about the idea of
the research, the data that are required for the research, and most importantly the level of
access to your population ( who are the people you are intending to collect the data from
and whether you have easy access to them or not)!!!
Note: Our professor is using an AI detector, the proposals must be written by Human 100%.


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