Please write an essay where you choose a side and defend it regarding the follow


Please write an essay where you choose a side and defend it regarding the following hypothetical+ issue:
In response to mass shooting incidents around the nation, a NJ law has been proposed that would allow eligible students to carry concealed firearms on all college and university campuses. “Eligible” is defined as students who can legally own firearms under normal circumstances; a gun permit would still be required, and students with convictions for violent offenses would still not be allowed to carry firearms. Students would also have to register their intention to carry concealed firearms with campus police, and take firearms safety courses in order to qualify for eligibility. However, they would not necessarily have to disclose their concealed carry status to their professors or fellow students. Try to support your argument with examples and evidence when possible, even if your supporting points are theoretical or hypothetical. You must at least one outside source to support your points. You must choose one side or the other in this debate – avoid sitting on the fence or saying “both sides have good points” as much as possible.
+In other words, this is not a real law being proposed, but it is similar to other actual laws in place around the country. Standard Essay Rules
• Essays should be at least five paragraphs, and roughly 500 words.
• Cite quotes and information from outside sources. Use MLA format. Links to an external site. (
• Links to an external site.
(… works cited entry Links to an external site.
is required for each outside source used. Use MLA format.
• Stay on topic! Essays that are too vague, spend too much time discussing unrelated issues, or seem roughly adapted from other work or topics will not do well. • Note: Make sure you check the due date, which is distinct from the last possible date you can submit the essay – late essays are penalized 10% per day.


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