IT 423 Module Three Activity RDS and Manipulating Data Guidelines and Rubric Ov


IT 423 Module Three Activity RDS and Manipulating Data Guidelines and Rubric Overview
While a non-relational database (NoSQL database) contains semi-structured and unstructured data, a relational database (that exclusively uses SQL for queries) contains structured data, and includes clear relationships between the components of the data. It includes relationships between the entities and attributes. In a relational database, tables are used to store the information.
AWS offers a relational database service that is hosted in the cloud: Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Since this database service is in the cloud, database instances are easy to scale and operate. In this activity, you will gain hands-on experience creating an RDS/MySQL instance. You will need to access the AWS Console through your AWS Academy student account.
Imagine that you work for a small to medium-sized company and your manager wants to set up a relational cloud database system to analyze existing company data. To do this, follow this tutorial. After you set up the new RDS/MySQL instance, your manager requires MySQL Workbench to be configured and tested so that the database admins can begin to import the existing company data.
As you follow the tutorial, you should be completing the following:
MySQL: Connect your database to MySQL Workbench.
Tables: Create tables for Employees, Manager/Employee, Managers, and Customers.
Keys and Attributes: Include the appropriate attributes in the tables.
Data: Include the accurate test data identified in the tutorial.
Data Manipulation: Assign employees Jill Employ and John Emp to their manager, Jill Manager.
What to Submit
Set up RDS/MySQL instance: Submit a screenshot of the final system running (this will be taken during setup of the RDS/MySQL instance). Also you will be required to submit a screenshot of your MySQL Workbench connected to your newly created database. Your name must be included in the RDS system to verify that you created it.
Module Three Activity RDS and Manipulating Data Rubric
CriteriaCompleteProficientNot CompleteValue
MySQLCompletes connection through MySQL Workbench (100%)N/ADoes not attempt criterion (0%)20
TablesCreates all four tables correctly within MySQL Workbench (100%)Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include providing some required tables, but not all (75%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)20
Keys and AttributesUses the correct primary/foreign keys and correct column types for each attribute (100%)Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include incorrect keys and attributes for each table (75%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)20
DataAdds the test information into the database tables correctly (100%)Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include giving some of the data, but missing some details (75%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)20
Data ManipulationUses the reference table correctly to assign the two employees to their manager (100%)Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include providing one correct employee or attempting two records with missing data (75%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)20


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