This assignment asks you to reflect upon ALL the material in the module each wee


This assignment asks you to reflect upon ALL the material in the module each week. For example for week 1 you will discuss chapter 2 and emotional intelligence. How are these topics related? Each reflection can be completed using PowerPoint (Be creative).
For the January reflections I expect to see a separate section for each chapter we discuss. Since we will have gone through Chapters 1-6 I expect at least 6 meaningful slides to complete this assignment. There is some guidance of what to include in your reflection: For your reflection read and answer the questions for case 3.2 (Chapter 3) and case 4.1 (Chapter 4)
Do the surveys for chapter 3 and 4 and discuss your thoughts about the results (Skills Inventory Survey for Chapter 3) and (Leadership Behavior Questionnaire for Chapter 4) in your reflections.
*** i attached the textbook to help do the task.


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