This assignment requires you to examine 2 news related articles. These articles


This assignment requires you to examine 2 news related articles. These articles must come from a major publication, such as The Seattle Times, The New York Times, The Chicago Times, CNN, so on and so forth. It doesn’t have to be a newspaper, it could be a local news source site such as Komo or Kiro – and it is not restricted to Seattle by any means. Do your research and make sure your articles come from a proper news source. If you do not use a legitimate major news or media outlet, you will lose points. If you are unsure, email me.
For this assignment, I would like you to do the following:
Locate two (2) articles from news sources where the gender of the offender/perpetrator and victim are opposing. One article should cover a crime where the offender is Male and the victim Female. The second article should provide the opposite scenario: Female offender/Male victim. The articles do not have to be current but should be no older than 10 years.
In a 3-4 page, double-spaced paper with in-text citations and references, address the following:
Compare and contrast the language used, images, coverage, punishment/consequences (if known), and societal response (READ THE COMMENTS from the general public) to the crime, its perpetrator, and victim, paying particular attention to differences based on gender.
Articulate an opinion or position regarding these findings. Your paper should be supported with examples and should draw connections to course materials.
This means:
Provide clear examples. How is the language the same or different? In what ways? How do you know?
Provide details about the crimes but do NOT simply repeat content from your articles, and do NOT plagiarize.
Describe your thoughts and feelings about your two cases? How does your analysis of these cases connect back to what you have been learning in the course overall?


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