The research paper should be on a topic of your choice that is connected to one


The research paper should be on a topic of your choice that is connected to one

The research paper should be on a topic of your choice that is connected to one of the topics covered in one of the lectures. This paper should include a minimum of 3 sources, one of which must be an academic journal (you can have all three be journals).
Here is a list of examples of other appropriate sources which are not academic journals
– Pew Research Centre
– UN Government websites or statistics
– World Health Organization
– Marshall Project
– Prison Policy Initiative
– EU
– IMF World Bank
– University research centres
I will be assessing your ability to utilize academic sources and knowledge on a topic covered in one of the lectures.
• Please use Times New Roman
• 5 pages
• Font, Size 12
• Double spaced.
• YOU MUST CITE ALL SOURCES using a citation style such as ASA, APA, MLA, Harvard etc.
• Make sure you have a clear structure and that you use your chosen sources to back up your arguments.


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