For the Afram 26 final, you will be writing a paper on a (black) artist, piece o


For the Afram 26 final, you will be writing a paper on a (black) artist, piece o

For the Afram 26 final, you will be writing a paper on a (black) artist, piece or series of art, or art exhibition, that you believe represents the theme of Black art as resistance. It can be a painting(s), photograph, sculpture, poetry, any piece of writing, artist, music, etc from any time period. Basically, your selected art/artist needs to tie into the theme of Black art as resistance.
Over the next week, decide which artist, or piece of artwork you would like to analyze/examine for your final paper.  Your art/artist can be from any time period, and it can be any type of art.  To start this process, you will first decide on your art/artist.  You will then write one paragraph on the artwork, artist, or exhibition that you have selected for your final.  In your paragraph, address the following questions.
• Why did you select this particular artwork/artist? What is it about this art/artist that speaks to you?
• How do you believe their artwork ties into our class theme of black art as resistance?  
Ultimately, the final prompt will be:
• How does this artist and/or art/artwork represent and reflect resistance?  In other words, how does this artist/art/artwork reflect our class theme of examining Black art as a form of resistance?
pick anything follow the rubric .


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