Book Review #1: Students will complete a book review over Pelllicer (2008) which


Book Review #1: Students will complete a book review over Pelllicer (2008) which presents an approach to leadership and organizational change. The book review must be completed using APA format and style and include a reference page. The book review should be 5-7 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font. You can use this template: EDC 6361 Book Review Template.docxDownload EDC 6361 Book Review Template.docx
Embedded within this summary should be three to five powerful direct quotes from the text. These quotes should focus on meaningful, impacting statements. These quotes should be included using correct APA formatting. The quotes will likely be in Section 1; however, quotes may appear in Section 2 as well.
There are two portions of the book review.
Section 1: Review of the book
The primary purpose of this portion of the paper is to highlight the key ideas or themes presented by the author(s). The student should synthesize the ideas not simply retell or summarize the book.
What is meant by synthesis? Synthesis is finding themes, connections and meanings throughout the book and presenting those rather than simply
summarizing the book. The student may even organize this first section into themes using a subheading for each theme or main idea.
This portion of the paper must be written in third person; students should not use “I” or “we” in this portion of the book review. Additionally, students should not include any “I think,” “I feel,” or “I believe” statements in the summary. The students should write formally, refer to the author by name, and use phrases such as “the author stated, reported, noted, etc. . . .” rather than “the author believed, felt, thought . . ..”
This portion of the paper should be no more than 2 pages.
Section 2: Personal Application
The second portion of the book review will be the more personal portion in which the student applies the information presented in the book to their current professional situation. Students should make sure that make the personal connection in this section – not just speak in generalities.
In this section, students may use personal pronouns; however, they should still avoid “I think,” “I feel,” and “I believe” statements.
The last page of the assignment should be the reference page using APA format.
This portion of the paper should be 3-5 pages (for a total of 5-7 pages).


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