A Personal Statement of Interest Applicants must submit a 400-word response to o


A Personal Statement of Interest
Applicants must submit a 400-word response to our Personal Statement of Interest question explaining your motivation in applying for the GDipICL program and the training/experience that will support your application for the Graduate Diploma in Immigration and Citizenship Law. 
Your response will only be submitted through the online application system. More specific instructions are included in the online application. 
Please note the maximum characters count in the online application system does apply and you must edit your statement to be either 400 words or 2,000 characters maximum, whichever occurs first. 
The GDipICL program will not accept any element of the application prepared, in whole or in part, by means of generative artificial-intelligence (AI) tools, including and without limitation to chatbots, such as Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (Chat GPT), or other language generating tools.  The Admission Committee reserves the right to screen applications to identify the use of such tools.  All applications prepared, in whole or in part, by means of such generative or creative AI applications may be rejected without further consideration at the Admission Committee’s sole discretion.  Admission decisions are not appealable. 


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