This assignment aims to develop your skills in analyzing and comparing the effec


This assignment aims to develop your skills in analyzing and comparing the effectiveness of essay conclusions. By examining the conclusions of three provided essays, you will apply what we’ve discussed in class about strong conclusions and reflect on how each author wraps up their argument.
Read the Essays: Carefully read the three short essays linked on the Week #6 Readings page:
“The Good Enough Mother”
“Tipping System Exacerbates Unfair Pay at Restaurants”
“What Critics Don’t Understand about Gun Culture”
Analyze Each Conclusion: For each essay, write a short analysis of the conclusion. Consider the following questions in your analysis:
What strategies does the author use to conclude the essay? (e.g., summary of main points, call to action, anecdote, quote, prediction, etc.)
How effectively does the conclusion reinforce the essay’s thesis and main arguments?
Does the conclusion leave a lasting impact on the reader? If so, how?
Are there any weaknesses or areas where the conclusion could be improved?
Compare the Conclusions: Write a comparative analysis of the three conclusions. Address the following points:
How do the strategies used in each conclusion differ or align?
Which conclusion do you find most effective and why? Which is the least effective?
How do the different conclusions affect your overall perception of each essay’s argument and persuasiveness?
Reflect on What Makes a Strong Conclusion: Based on your analysis and comparison, reflect on the elements that make a conclusion strong and effective. Discuss how you can apply these insights to your own writing.
Submission Requirements:
Individual analysis for each of the three conclusions (1-2 double-spaced pages)
Comparative analysis of the three conclusions (1-2 double-spaced pages)
Reflection on what makes strong conclusions (1-2 double-spaced paragraphs).
Example Structure:
Individual Analyses:
Analysis of “The Good Enough Mother” Conclusion
Analysis of “Tipping System Exacerbates Unfair Pay at Restaurants” Conclusion
Analysis of “What Critics Don’t Understand about Gun Culture” Conclusion
Comparative Analysis:
Comparison of the Three Conclusions
Insights on What Makes a Strong Conclusion


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