As you have already experienced during Week 1, this Discussion forum provides yo


As you have already experienced during Week 1, this Discussion forum provides you with the flexibility to openly communicate and share ideas with your Doctoral Study Chair and colleagues. The more you are engaged in this process, the better your learning experience will be and the more opportunities you will have to receive support from your colleagues and Chair as you work toward the completion of components leading to the Doctoral Study. Your Discussion posts should be substantial and include references to scholarly sources and/or the Doctoral Study Rubric and Research Handbook, when appropriate.
Use the following suggestions to assist you in developing your Discussion posts:
Make a suggestion or share an insight about your work on one or more components of your Doctoral Study.
Ask a probing or clarifying question.
Offer and support an opinion, providing evidence to support your claim.
Validate a posting with scholarly sources.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.


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