Please read the instructions carefully: Assignment Details Assignment Title: Eva


Please read the instructions carefully:
Assignment Details
Assignment Title: Evaluating Cybersecurity Strategy: Parameters, Institutions, International Collaborations, and Countermeasures
Learning Objectives:
Define cybersecurity, cybercrime, and cyberterrorism. Explain the different types of cybersecurity, cybercrime, and cyberterrorism. Examine the solutions of cybersecurity. Describe India’s National Cyber Security Strategy 2020. Define cyberwarfare, cyberespionage, and cyberdiplomacy.
Assignment Overview
You are provided with cybersecurity strategy documents from different countries. You are required to select any one of the given documents and read it. (The documents are attached)
After reading the document, you are expected to evaluate the cybersecurity strategy of the selected country and answer the following questions based on the mentioned parameters:
Question 1: What was the context in which the cybersecurity strategy was adopted? Your response should include the events that led the country to adopt or think about adopting their particular cybersecurity strategy and tracing why the country felt the need to accept and adopt it. (10 points)
Question 2: Mention the cybersecurity institutions present in the chosen country and their roles. (5 points)
Question 3: Give a summary by highlighting the five main points or the key takeaways of the cybersecurity strategy and at least five points on how it enhanced countermeasures. (10 points)
Question 4: Mention the international collaborations regarding cybersecurity by addressing the steps taken and policies formulated by your chosen country. (5 points)
Question 5: How effective has the cybersecurity strategy been in terms of feedback from the people, international agencies, and acknowledgment from other countries? (10 points)
Question 6: State the reasons for the success or failure of the cybersecurity strategy in your chosen country. Give suitable examples to support your response. (10 points)
Project Deliverables
You are required to submit a response to all the questions with good-quality analysis in MS Word format. Your response should follow a coherent structure and be well formatted. Here are some suggestions to make it look professional: Structure your response document under sections and headings.
Follow essay-style writing.
Double-check your post to ensure there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical issues.
Proofread the document multiple times before submission.
You are required to submit your response no later than week 10 of the course.
The response should be a minimum of 1500 words and a maximum of 2500 words (referencing, tables etc are not included in the word count).
Your response should include an executive summary, introduction, body, discussion, and conclusion.
You are required to submit a cumulative written submission.
The font to be used is Times New Roman; Font size 14 for titles, 12 for body text; line spacing 1.5 Please ensure that you respect all the plagiarism rules. List of References: You are free to choose your sources according to your individual/collective evaluation of their validity/importance to sustain your analysis. Quotations, data, or any other reference to an author’s views or reports consulted within the main body of the essay will require a citation in the format prescribed by the APA 7th edition citation guidelines.


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