A Primer to Experimental and Nonexperimental Quantitative Research: The Example


A Primer to Experimental and Nonexperimental Quantitative Research: The Example

A Primer to Experimental and Nonexperimental Quantitative Research: The Example Case of Tobacco-
Related Mouth Cancer (sciencedirectassets.com)
Students’ Qualitative Muscles in an Introductory Methods Course.: EBSCOhost
The critical appraisal is a formal writing assignment, and you are to submit a formal paper. It needs to both look and sound scholarly. You will need a title page and a reference page, but you do not need an abstract. Your paper will need an introductory paragraph (at least three sentences by definition), the body of the paper which is the appraisal part, and a conclusion (again, at least a three-sentence paragraph). Please note that the introduction should introduce the reader to your document and there should not be much information about the published article in the introduction.
You will use APA format for the title page, headings, citations (citing references in the text), quotations, references, page numbering, font, line spacing, margins, and other items. 
You will need to elaborate on each section. Do not just say, “Yes, the title is a good one” or “No, the abstract does not summarize well.” Be specific and give examples as appropriate. It is fine to say that the article’s content does not meet expectations and should have included this, that, and the other. The appraisal needs to address both the strengths and weaknesses of the research report. If information is missing, then say so.


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