1.    Research: Conduct research on the following aspects: ·      Local material


1.    Research: Conduct research on the following aspects:
·      Local material costs and availability
·      Labor rates for various trades (e.g., excavation, drainage installation, sand placement, net system installation)
·      Subcontractor quotes for specialized tasks (e.g., net system installation, safety padding)
·      Relevant building codes and regulations
2.    Analysis: Analyze the impact of the project on the surrounding environment, including:
·      Drainage and erosion control measures
·      Noise and dust mitigation strategies
·      Traffic control and management during construction
(Submit 100-word narrative in APA format and draft Bid Proposal Form)
Please use the attachments provided that are apart of the on going assignment. 
THis assignment is a 4 week assignment and this is week 2. Please also use 
material and labor pricing in the Tampa Florida area. Thank you. 
Question 1 can be in bullet point format and question 2 can be in paragraph form. 


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