at the moment the content table is just a placeholder and I can update at the en


at the moment the content table is just a placeholder and I can update at the end , the format needs to allow it though
let me write it please in bullet points so I dont forget
– in total 20000words including references and appendix (unless the expert thinks the appendix should be intergrated in the main part)
-on page 47 the framework is just a concept and needs to be extended
the other framework may also need to be extended, like how to get there steps
if possible check previous work and add from there if I missed adding from the last assignments
add references (I put some into the comments and some parts I took from the last papers but did not yet add a formal reference section)
may become easily larger if add more literarature to the dsicussion
abstract/summary is not the format of social sciences (more like the structure of natural sciences) also need to add to the conent of it
any ideas of additional chapters are welcome to get the bulk to 20000 and make sure I didnt miss anything
I forgot to also add a method section (describe literature search)
my current formatting is not the correct one, need to change that
and I described the interviews if more is needed in that desсrіption the experts needs to highlight for me
″KIAP_Challenges in cloud adoption_Edward Van den Bulck″ – work from another student


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