Overview The scope of multi-channel ad campaigns is typically much larger than a


Overview The scope of multi-channel ad campaigns is typically much larger than a standalone design project. Therefore, such projects require a robust team of creative people, and the development process is more elaborate. Every campaign must be designed to meet the client’s design needs and the target audience’s design preferences, irrespective of the team structure and development process. In this assignment, you will pitch the capabilities of a design agency to a potential client. Scenario You are a senior designer working at a mid-sized ad agency. A potential client is looking for an agency to design a multi-channel advertising campaign for their pharmacy retail chain. As the senior designer of the team, you are required to pitch your agency’s services to earn the job. The potential client has provided some basic information about their requirements in a client brief. Directions Create a business pitch that provides information on your agency’s team structure, design capabilities, and campaign development process and how your agency can help communicate the client’s message effectively across multiple advertising channels to its target audience. First, complete the Bongo business pitch script linked in the Supporting Materials section and then record your presentation as a video in Bongo. Use the client brief linked in the Supporting Materials section to inform your responses. It is critical that you read all the instructions before starting this assignment. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Explain the five key phases of the multi-channel advertising campaign development process. Consider the following questions to guide your response: What are the five key steps of the high-level process that graphic designers are involved in? What is the significance of each phase? What would be the client’s role in each phase? Explain the roles and responsibilities of each member of the creative team. Consider the following questions to guide your response: How many members are there in the core team? What is your role and responsibility in the team? Which members form the core design and development team? Which members play an advisory or supporting role in the team? Which members will be interacting with the client directly? Describe the design capabilities of the team. Include the following required details in your response: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of any five types of advertisements (components) your team can design. Of the five types, describe at least three types of advertisements your team recommends for this client. Explain why. Of the five types, describe at least one type of advertisement that your team does not recommend for this client. Explain why. Describe how the three recommended deliverables will promote the client’s campaign. Consider the following questions to guide your response: Which medium or platform would appeal to which audience? How would your team ensure that the three recommended campaign components can communicate the client’s messaging consistently and effectively? How would the campaign ensure that the client’s messaging will reach most of their target audience? What are the strengths of each type of advertising? Describe how the team will design an effective campaign for the target audience provided in the design brief. Include the following details in your response: Explain how your team would consider the target audience’s design preferences. Explain how your team would make the designs relevant for the different groups of the target audience. Notes Since you are playing the role of a presenter pitching their business to a client, use words and phrases like “we,” “us,” and “our agency.” When speaking of the client, consider using words and phrases like “you,” and “your brand.” Your choice of words will be considered in grading the Articulation of Response criterion. Also, cite at least two sources in your presentation. These could either be from the module resources or from your own independent research. You can either summarize or use direct quotes from your sources. Either way, remember to reference the author and the resource name during your presentation and provide the citations in your Bongo presentation script. What to Submit Submit the following deliverables: Bongo Presentation Script Upload your completed Bongo presentation script as a Word document. Cite at least two sources according to MLA style in the References section. I WILL COMPLETE THIS: Bongo Video A 5- to 7-minute video You will not be graded on the quality of the video but the content of your responses; consider practicing your video narration (using the script) a few times before recording the video in Bongo


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