The essay should be at least 7-10 pages in its main text, “exclusive” of: (1) th


The essay should be at least 7-10 pages in its main text,
“exclusive” of:
(1) th

The essay should be at least 7-10 pages in its main text,
“exclusive” of:
(1) the “improved and refined” version of Abstract
at the beginning, and
(2) the Bibliography at the end.
on the font:
You should use the standard: double-spaced with font of 12
points in normal letter size.
on Abstract:
As far as the Abstract at the beginning is concerned, it should
contain the following 3 statements:
1. nature of issue or question you’re addressing
2. your “conclusion” as an answer to the issue
3. your reasons, that is, “premises” for your conclusion
You are “strongly recommended” (though not required) to add to this
beginning page for the Abstract what has been referred to as “R & E”
throughout the course:
Given that the above conclusion and the premises should
constitute a full-blown “argument,” you may certainly try to
lay it out in a linear or hierarchical “Reconstruction” (and
even “Evaluation”), as was studied in R2.04 and throughout
the course. This enriched additional feature of Abstract will
earn you higher points than otherwise.
on PDF for file to submit:
You may use word processing program to write the essay; but you
should all convert it to PDF for the sake of OS-independent
on format:
You may write in conformity with “any” standard manual or style,
e.g., MLA, Chicago, etc. Surely, I would care contents a lot
more than style.


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