The purpose of the Term Paper activity is to: Analyze key developmental mileston


The purpose of the Term Paper activity is to:
Analyze key developmental milestones across different age groups in the lifespan (CO2, CO3 and CO5)
Describe the connections between developmental principles and research finding to real-world scenarios (CO2, CO3 and CO5)
Demonstrate an understanding of developmental psychology theories (CO2, CO3 and CO5) 
The paper should examine a condition, situation, scenario specific to a stage in the life-span (ex. Crises, aging, “failure to launch”, marriage/divorce, empty nest, sandwich generation, etc.). The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The paper should also include a reference list. A minimum of three credible references must be utilized. The American Psychological Association format must also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between four and six pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.
The rubric below will be utilized to grade the paper.
General Assignment Obligations
Students are expected to complete all assignments on or before the dates that they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date may not be accepted or may be subject to penalty. Acceptance of assignments after due dates is at the sole discretion of the course instructor and Dean. Any lack of completion of assignments and/or consistent lateness of assignment which leads a faculty member to judge that unsatisfactory progress is being made may result in the student being administratively withdrawn from the course and require the course to be repeated. This syllabus (including the referenced course calendar) and/or Canvas include due dates with regards to the completion of assignments. To the extent no written due date for an assignment is in the course calendar or Canvas, the course instructor will establish and announce the due date for such assignment.


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