Grammar and spelling matter!  Edit and proofread your work. Minimum 1800 word co


Grammar and spelling matter!  Edit and proofread your work.
Minimum 1800 word co

Grammar and spelling matter!  Edit and proofread your work.
Minimum 1800 word count, double space, and formatting is up to the student as long as a method is employed. 
Minimum 3 sources for your paper.
Research said topic/philosopher.  Use the CPP library search engine.  For example, write “Determinism” in the search box.
This is also a great source:
Have a clear introduction stating what will be accomplished in your paper.  Are you arguing for something?  Against something? Are you using Philosophy to analyze a current debate?  A film?  
Do not use more than 2 lengthy quotes (this diminishes the authority of your work).
Do feel free to use smaller quotes to substantiate your work.  
Pick a topic you find interesting!  Ideas: What are your thoughts about the SPE? What it means to be “good”?  Or, do we have grounds for believing in God?  
above are instructions from my teacher; please write about what it means to be a good person according to Aristotle. The first page or two should explain how Aristotle sees it and the rest of the paper is your thoughts on it.


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