In an Argumentative essay, the writer must choose a side/position on an issue or


In an Argumentative essay, the writer must choose a side/position on an issue or

In an Argumentative essay, the writer must choose a side/position on an issue or topic. The writer must also explain and support their position with research from credible sources.
You will write a 4-5-page argumentative essay (double-spaced + follow correct MLA format) about mental health and education. You will need to have at least 3-4 sources. 1-2 of these sources should be an outside source and the others should be from the list below:
Unit 2 readings you can use in this essay (don’t forget to do outside research for a new source):
Howard S. Adelman and Linda Taylor’s “Mental Health in Schools and Public Health” (294-298)
Katherine Rosman’s “Should College Come with Trigger Warnings…”
Greg Duncan and Richard Murnane’s “Growing Income Inequality Threatens American
Education” (8-14)
Christina Caron’s “Why Teens are Advocating for Mental Health Days Off School”
Kelly Vaillancourt and Andria Amador’s “School-community alliances enhance mental
health services” (58-62)


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