Go to Colorado Technical University Online Click on Class: Strategic Management


Go to Colorado Technical University Online
Click on Class: Strategic Management in Dynamic Environments
Click on Unit 5: Books & Resources
This will have the eBook and other resources. If you have any questions, please let me know! Use any other assignments from before for this one if needed. Unit 5 Assigned Reading:
Strategic Analytics: Integrating Management Science to Strategy: Chapters 10 & 12
Bashan, A., & Armon, D. (2019). Quality management challenges in a dynamic reality of mergers, acquisitions and global expansion. The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 36(7), 1192-1211. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-06-2018-0161
New global c-suite survey reveals need for rewiring corporate strategy development: – 76% of c-suite executives say COVID-19 will impact, or cause them to pivot, their organizations’ medium- to long-term strategy. (2020, Sep 09). PR Newswire


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