Project Topic: Business Career That Fits Your Interests: Real life discussion on


Project Topic: Business Career That Fits Your Interests: Real life discussion on

Project Topic: Business Career That Fits Your Interests: Real life discussion on business:
Summary and Directions:  It has been said that if a person has a profession that they find personal reward in and that has a positive impact on society they are considered a success.   We have discussed a large array of aspects in this course that range from small businesses, franchises, large corporations, different functional roles, titles, jobs, and many other aspects of what makes up a business career.
In looking at what interests you, what type of business career do you think would strike your interest and give you a feeling or reward?  Pick a specific aspect of business that you want to focus on and do the following:
Go Online and find a company type that you think you would be interested in. This can be an established company or a specific type of business that interests you.
Describe the ways that you think you would be challenged in such a role. This can be for example working in a corporation in a role like finance, operations, HR, I.T., or sales, or it can be a small business that you could position yourself as the owner of.
Speak with someone in that industry: Once you have narrowed down on a specific type of situation/role that you feel you could be successful within, call or visit with someone that’s in a similar company and ideally in a similar role. Find out the following from the person you are able to speak with/meet:
Ups and Downs of the Career: Why did that person choose that profession and what reward do they get on a daily basis?  What things do they not like about the role and why do they tolerate it?
How They got into that role: What was it that led them into that specific career path? Were there prerequisites (i.e. study, advanced degrees required, did they know someone etc)
Ask for Advice: Write down 4-5 points that you take away from the conversation:
Format is Essay and length is 2-3 pages double spaced.


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