For this assignment, you will read the text “The Joys of Reading and Writing: Su


For this assignment, you will read the text “The Joys of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie Download “The Joys of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie Download “The Joys of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexieand reflect on your own experiences with reading and writing. Utilize Alexie’s work as an example and consider his views on reading and writing as you work to answer the following questions in a response of about 500 words:
1. Do you believe that you are a writer? Why or why not? What makes a person a writer? What experiences have led you to this view of yourself? What types of writing activities do you usually do? What purpose do they serve? How are these activities the same of different from what a “writer” does?
2. Consider your feelings toward reading and writing. Are they positive, negative, or somewhere in between? Why do those feelings exist? What words would you use to describe your identity as a writer and/or experiences with literacy? When do you first remember learning to write? What key experiences, since this earliest memory, do you have with respect to reading and writing? How do you feel these events influenced your views on these acts (reading and writing)?
i want this to be unique and not used before created only for mr


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