Instructions: Select a research article related to nursing and write a 2-3 doubl


Instructions: Select a research article related to nursing and write a 2-3 doubl

Instructions: Select a research article related to nursing and write a 2-3 double spaced page (NOT including the title page and reference) article evaluation.
• Use only scholarly/professional, peer-reviewed articles written within the last 5 years
• You must choose your article by the end of week 2 and submit to your instructor for approval using the assignment dropbox in Canvas
• 2-3 double spaced page (NOT including the title page and references)
• In your evaluation, address each of the following components:
⁃ The author(s), their credentials, and practice areas
▪ If the article has more than four authors only write about the first three authors.
⁃ The purpose of the study
⁃ Research question(s)
⁃ Provide discussion of the author’s review of the literature
⁃ Population, sample size, and sample selection process
⁃ Research method(s) used in the study
⁃ Research findings
⁃ Article critique
⁃ Discussion of how the information in the article might be useful in future nursing practice.
• Written in current APA format. This paper should include:
⁃ Formal components including title page
⁃ APA headers (include page numbers)
⁃ APA formatted headings in the body of the paper
⁃ Appropriate in-text reference citations
⁃ A reference page, in correct APA format


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