For this research paper, you will choose a topic for which you will conduct rese


For this research paper, you will choose a topic for which you will conduct rese

For this research paper, you will choose a topic for which you will conduct research, analyze, and form an argument. Your job is to create a cohesive argument using the skills you’ve learned throughout the semester: summary, synthesis, analysis, and argument. In this essay, you’ll rely on outside sources, in addition to your own perspective, to analyze and summarize the main issues at stake. You may use personal opinions, experiences, and analysis to help situate yourself within the outside sources. You will demonstrate an awareness of the larger “conversation” by effectively incorporating sources from your research.
Finding and Using Sources:
You need to locate at least four (4) credible sources relating to your topic. At least three (3) sources should be scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals. In addition to scholarly sources, you can use other sources that you find credible and relevant to your subject. Remember that sources such as encyclopedias and online dictionaries (including Wikipedia) serve as good starting points, but are not considered credible outside sources for academic research.
1250-1500 words in the edited paper
A Works Cited page
A reflective cover letter detailing your rhetorical choices
MLA format (12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced) with a proper header 


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