A. Summary of Proposal (one page) • Provide a desсrіption of what aspect of prac


A. Summary of Proposal (one page) • Provide a desсrіption of what aspect of prac

A. Summary of Proposal (one page) • Provide a desсrіption of what aspect of practice you plan to evaluate and a desсrіption of the evaluative method that you have chosen. • Identify your evaluation company by name and include a total cost for the evaluation (you do not need to develop or include B. Agency Overview (two pages) • Provide a brief overview of the agency and its mission and goals. • Provide an overview of the program that you are planning to evaluate. • Include its objectives. C. Desсrіptive Statement (four to six pages) • Briefly state what you plan to evaluate and the type of evaluation that you will use. • Include the rationale for your proposed evaluation. • How you will use the findings? • Who will it benefit? • Describe what perspective, whether micro level (direct services) or macro level (policy, community, etc.), your proposal provides. • Include a short discussion (one to two pages) of relevant literature (minimum of five journal articles). D. Evaluation Plan (four to six pages) • What will you measure? • How will you measure it (operationalization)? • List your process and outcome objectives and indicators. • Align your project activities with your SMART objectives. • What instrument(s) will you use? (Discuss the instrument.) • How will you collect the data? Provide a matrix with specific tasks, deadlines, individuals responsible, and their roles and responsibilities to the evaluation. • What is the time period covered by the evaluation plan? Include timeline (Gantt chart). • How will you analyze data? Describe your analysis plan. Discuss your measurement plan, including methods. E. Dissemination Plan and Implications to Social Work Practice (one page) • Who will you provide with a copy of your findings? • Describe how the research you proposed will affect your social work practice area. Provide at least two implications for social work research, social work practice, and social work policy. F. References—at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles G. Appendices • Data collection instrument(s) (optional extra credit) • Organizational chart showing where your program/intervention fits into the organization • Logic model (including inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes)


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