Strategic Plan Assignment Guidelines/Instructions: A strategic plan for a nonpro


Strategic Plan Assignment Guidelines/Instructions:
A strategic plan
for a nonprofit cast a vision of priorities and focus for an organization. Strategic planning results in the development of a document
outlining your nonprofit’s priorities and how you’ll pursue them. Even more
importantly, it results in strategic focus throughout a nonprofit organization. 
For this assingment, you will be creating a strategic plan for your course client( which is Esther’s Place, a nonprofit organization supporting women , this is their website: 
Some examples are
provided to you for this assignment. Do realize these are professional plans,
so your plan will not be exactly like the samples. Please use them as a guide
and for creative inspiration but do not copy or mimic them in your submission.
Specific Sections
to Include:
Vision and Mission
Goal, Objectives, Strategies and
Ethics Statement (Core Values)
Current Projects or Programs
New Projects or Programs
Recommendations (Include a logic model.)
Revenue Plan and/or Budget (You
have $100,000 to divide up.)
Cause-Related Marketing
Partnership Proposal
Fundraising and Marketing
Digital Media Strategy/Proposal
Diversity Strategy/Proposal
Call to Action
You will format
this final document in a professional manner. Use Canva  to lay out the document with all your text, images, tables, graphs,
and so on and then provide a pdf of the finished document. Though text needs to remain Times New Roman, 12-point font, you do
have creative liberties on this project. This final project will be submitted
as a PDF.
Resources( read , listen and watch all the resources provided in order to do the assingemnt, listen to the audio first it gives the specific instructions about the assignment , and read the guidelines very carefully .  Other resources are attached as files


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