Preparation Before you begin your analysis, first select a client or client syst


Before you begin your analysis, first select a client or client system that you worked with during your internship and reconstruct a biopsychosocialspiritual assessment. (Assessment is attached as a document)
After you have selected a client or client system that you worked with during your internship, create your case study analysis and intervention plan by completing the following steps:
Describe the client or client system.
Include the biopsychosocialspiritual assessment.
Offer specific examples wherever possible.
Describe how anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI) principles were applied to this client situation.
Offer specific examples wherever possible.
Describe how an intervention was applied to this client situation.
Offer specific examples wherever possible.
Describe ethical challenges encountered when working with this client or client system.
Explain how these challenges were resolved.
Offer specific examples wherever possible.
Length: 6-8 double-spaced pages, not including title page or reference page.
Cited Sources: Minimum of three scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.


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