I need to find the appropriate articles which meet my inclusion criteria ( witho


I need to find the appropriate articles which meet my inclusion criteria ( without writing any thing as a paper) .. a list of the articles ( or collect them in one file)
Title: Clinical and Preclinical Evidence for RAAS Modulation in the Management of Chronic Pain Syndromes: A Systematic Review
Inclusion Criteria
1. Study Type:
Clinical trials, observational studies, and preclinical studies (animal models) that investigate the role of RAAS modulation in the management of chronic pain syndromes.
2. Interventions:
Studies examining RAAS modulators, such as ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), direct renin inhibitors, and aldosterone antagonists.
3. Participants/Subjects:
– Clinical studies involving patients with chronic pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, or other chronic pain conditions.
– Preclinical studies involving animal models induced with chronic pain conditions.
4. Outcomes:
– Primary outcomes: Measures of pain intensity, frequency, and duration (e.g., Visual Analog Scale, Numerical Rating Scale, behavioral pain assessments in animal models).
– Secondary outcomes: Quality of life, functional improvement, biochemical markers of pain, side effects, and adverse events.
6. Publication Date:
Studies published within the last 20 years to ensure relevance and up-to-date evidence.
Exclusion Criteria
1. Study Type:
Case reports, editorials, opinion pieces, reviews, and meta-analyses.
2. Interventions:
Studies not focusing on RAAS modulation or involving interventions unrelated to the RAAS (e.g., other pharmacological treatments not targeting the RAAS).
3. Participants/Subjects:
– Clinical studies not involving patients with chronic pain syndromes.
– Preclinical studies not involving animal models of chronic pain.
4. Outcomes:
Studies not reporting pain-related outcomes or where pain outcomes are secondary and not adequately reported.
6. Publication Date:
Studies published more than 20 years ago, unless they are seminal works providing foundational knowledge.
7. Quality:
Studies with poor methodological quality or lacking sufficient detail to assess the impact of RAAS modulation on chronic pain outcomes. 


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