Post an initial substantive response on your individual topic as indicated in th


Post an initial substantive response on your individual topic as indicated in th

Post an initial substantive response on your individual topic as indicated in the course schedule.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 4 paragraphs stating in your own words your interpretation of the concept(s), how you will apply concept(s) in your nursing practice, methods for professional growth as a continuous learner, and how you will implement the concept(s) to the UST philosophy in providing holistic care to your clients and peers.
Include a minimum of 1 reference in your first posting according to the APA 7th Edition citation.
I have attached Chapter 2 and chapter 6 of the below reference textbook as well as the above mentioned UST philosophy. References:
Blaszko, M. A., Avino, K., Shields, D., Rosa, W., & Barbara Montgomery Dossey. (2022). Dossey & Keegan’s holistic nursing: a handbook for practice (8th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


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