Tell WriteBot about a book, poem, movie, song, video game or another text that h


Tell WriteBot about a book, poem, movie, song, video game or another text that has two very different interpretations. Do not reuse your previous choice for #4.
Length: 3+ paragraphs
Grammar: Use a journalistic writing voice.
Content: Summarize the text and describe the authors/artists, the context of its release, and any other important background info. Provide two different interpretations of the text from two different people, cultures, or groups. Explain why their interpretations might be different and which words, symbols, or ideas are interpreted differently. Also provide your own interpretation of the text.
Sources: Quote at least one person per perspective. This means you need to cite two people who have different opinions on the meaning of the same text. At the end of the assignment, provide a link for each source you have used, but in the paragraphs introduce authors/sources to your reader in full sentences. Do NOT paste URLs/links directly into any paragraphs.


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