Week 2 Assignment (40pts) Respond to the prompts below. Responses must be entere


Week 2 Assignment (40pts)
Respond to the prompts below. Responses must be entered directly into this Word document below the corresponding question, and this document re-uploaded (as a WordDoc; .docx) to the appropriate Assignment page on Canvas for the week. Please rename this file when saving it as “Week2Assignment_GIS3015_FirstNameLastName” (putting your name in the file name). You will lose 5pts if the file is not renamed appropriately or saved as a WordDoc file (.docx).
• Question #1 (2pts): o Determine the cross-section width of Tennessee Street using the following scales. The width of Tennessee Street on your [theoretical] paper map is 2.5inches. You do not need an actual map to answer these questions, just the measurement above.
▪ Q1 (0.5pts): 1:10000 scale =________inches
• Answer:
▪ Q2 (0.5pts): 1:25000 scale =________feet
• Answer:
▪ Q3 (1pts): Is 1:25000 a ‘smaller scale’ than 1:3000? Yes/No
• Answer:
• Question #2 (8pts; 4 sentences minimum):
o Explain how generalization methods can be used to disempower specific groups of individuals (e.g. low-income, minority, LGBTQ+, opposition political parties, etc.). Your explanation must mention at least 2 specific methods used for generalization (those specifically mentioned in our slides) and explain how they could be used to disempower such groups.Don’t just say ‘Gerrymandering’ – be specific!
▪ Answer:
• Question #3 (10pts; 1 sentence minimum each):
o What are the four geometric categories of Symbolization? List and define each one. Also, you must provide an example URL for a map that demonstrates each type of geometric category (i.e. provide 4 URL links to maps that depict the four types of geometric symbols.). ▪ Geometric Category #1 & example:
▪ Geometric Category #2 & example:
▪ Geometric Category #3 & example:
▪ Geometric Category #4 & example:
• Question #4 (20pts; 10 sentences minimum (across 2-3 paragraphs)): o What does the phrase “Map projection is Power’ mean? How do you interpret this? Recognizing that map projections have significant influence on how maps are perceived and acted upon, how are map projections used as tools of power? You must explain how map projections influence power dynamics between groups of people/countries/etc.and list at least three characteristics of map projections that can let them be tools of power (they must be terms explicitly mentioned in our Week 5 slides). You must be specific in your details, no vague responses (you can even use a hypothetical or real scenario to help explicate your argument). If you choose to mention the [stereotypical] Mercator Projection, then you better have some good specifics because that’s an easy one!
o Answer (split into paragraphs as needed):


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