Step 1: Estimate a high, low, and medium case for this field and estimate the NP


Step 1: Estimate a high, low, and medium case for this field and
estimate the NPV.  Submit calculations and a
recommendation for whether your company should complete the project
explaining your reasons, and when you should exit the field.  
Evaluation / judgements are well-articulated using sound reasoning 
Step 2: What is the NPV of the
project going forward and should development continue?  Turn in your
calculations along with a written recommendation.  Evaluation /
judgements are well-articulated using sound reasoning
Step 3: What is the NPN
of holding the field until the end of its productive life?  Should you
operate the field until the end or sell and if you opt to sell at what year
should you sell.  Again turn in your calculations along with your
written recommendation.   Evaluation / judgements are well-articulated
using sound reasoning


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