Before posting a discussion, read the 2004 journal article by English and Ford (


Before posting a discussion, read the 2004 journal article by English and Ford (

Before posting a discussion, read the 2004 journal article by English and Ford (2004) found at After reading this article, utilize critical thinking to provide a rationale of whether parents should be informed of all information related to their minor child when contact tracing. Should certain infections and/or information that is part of contact tracing, be withheld from parents? List the items that you believe are acceptable to withhold from parents (if any) and only to provide information to the minor, and the types of information or infections that should always be shared with parents. As the instructor, I will allow only one reference to be from the Required Resources. Your post should be a minimum of 300 words and there should be at least two references to support your contentions.


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