Rufino “Mostro” Santeiro (49) is currently the owner of Mostro´s Fabulous Steaks


Rufino “Mostro” Santeiro (49) is currently the owner of Mostro´s Fabulous Steaks

Rufino “Mostro” Santeiro (49) is currently the owner of Mostro´s Fabulous Steaks and Pools¨ (formerly known as ¨Jenny and Jill Pools and Steaks¨), brags about his success in the restaurant business as an entrepreneur in the industry. He presents himself as a capable self-sufficient successful man who achieved success thanks to his hard work, starting from washing dishes and sweeping floors to being the owner of his own bar-restaurant. Mostro migrated to the United States in 2010 from his native Brazil. Following his trail from his native Brazil to the U.S. in 2010, it is known (due to claims and lawsuits processed in several countries) that he has unclaimed children in Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Mexico. To all these civil complains and lawsuits he claims these are foundless yet he has already denied in at least three occasions to conduct blood tests. Mostro worries not about the ¨unsubstained¨ claims and states that these are women who want to ¨bring him down¨ and only want money. In the United States, Mostro met Jenny (52) and Jill (36) in 2015 at a bar in Austin Texas. Jenny and Jill are mother and daughter who owned a notorious (for great steaks) bar-restaurant in 2015; ¨Jenny & Jill Pools and Steaks had become the best bar restaurant for anyone who wanted to play pool and have a great steak dinner after work. The two ladies were successful with their bar, and while they were generating 190,000 dollars a year of profit (after taxes), they needed a helping hand with the bar to serve drinks for customers. Mostro was just the right type of guy; however, his main intention was to marry Jenny (owner), and partake in the business with the sole interest to excel economically in the industry.
It didn´t took more than four months to seduce Jenny and convince her to marry him because ¨she was the love of his life.¨ There were disputes between Jenny and Jill, but Mostro convinced the two that he was truly in love with Jenny and that he meant no harm. Upon marrying, Jenny made Mostro the owner of the bar, and he immediately dominated both the ladies by imposing his will now ¨as the man of the family¨ and force both the ladies to stay home. In fact, he forced his will (with a bossy often naggy attitude) on both mother and daughter to assume their new roles as home makers without having any say or influence in the bar. Within a month after taking over, Mostro seduced Jill presenting himself as the ¨long awaited father she never had¨ but with the intention to getting closer to her and seduce her sexually. Jill, unfortunately, fell into the trap and within two months she got pregnant. “I don´t know how it happened, but from a good stepfather he all of a sudden caressed me and kissed me so softly¨, confessed Jill. The relationship between the three complicated even further when Mostro, tired of the drama and the adultery he provoked, decided to move out the house, yet claiming ownership of the bar, and holding a strong grip with put-downs and threats to both Jenny and Jill. He decided to hire young attractive women to help him run the place and altogether forgot what Jenny had done for him. Jenny passed away in 2018, and Jill moved to Louisiana with her aging aunt looking for a place to stay carrying a 2-year-old girl. Already in her late 30s Jill suffers from a rare form of arthritis and finds it difficult to find and keep a job due to her deteriorating condition. In actuality, Mostro lives a fruitful joyful life, and is about to marry one of his 20-year-old strippers named Lola. He has no regrets whatsoever of the accusations of manipulating Jenny or his abandonment of Jill and his 2-year-old girl. According to Mostro, ¨for what I know, Jill probably got pregnant from one her biker boyfriends, and now wants to take away my money.¨ Mostro is a proud successful businessman with an estate of 3.2 million dollars thanks to the success and popularity of his bar. According to Mostro, ¨I worked very hard in my life to have what I have and will not let anyone take away what I have… Lola is going to sign a prenup agreement if she really loves me.¨
I. Main Post: Using your textbook and/or additional resources (notes), present a main submission responding to the following (in no less than 400 words):
Orchestrate a defense via a conflict theorist / feminist approach in defense of these women. Use a minimum of three principles of conflict theory / feminism, and DO NOT use functionalist or interactionist principles. You MUST use my “Principle Codification Handout” located on week 1.


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