The second part of the discussion is intended to continue to develop your resear


The second part of the discussion is intended to continue to develop your resear

The second part of the discussion is intended to continue to develop your research skills. Read at least three or four of your classmates’ initial posts and find the articles they used for their initial posts.
After finding and reviewing your classmates’ selected articles, reply to your classmates’ initial posts. Compare their article to the article you selected, share what you have learned about your classmate’s selected management theory or theorist, and/or include an experience that relates to the management theory. In other words, expand upon the management theory. Do not include your classmate’s article title, author, journal, or link in your response; you will identify your classmates’ articles in the third part of the assignment.
Here you find a classmate initial response please respond accordingly as prescribe in the above instructions.
This review, written in 2012, describes Henri Fayol as the first man to define management. His methods were not formally used until the mid-twentieth century, but he is credited for defining management and proposing 14 Administrative Principles. In his 1916 book, Administration Industrielle et Générale, Fayol shared his workforce management experiences. His 14 Principles of Management helped to form what became known as Administrative Theory. The principles must be applied proportionately to the situation, and there must be flexibility when applying them. Fayol’s work also includes the concept of zero-tolerance policies used in education and business operations. As a human resources manager, this theory resonates with me because my agency has a drug-free workplace and anti-sexual harassment policy that I must strictly adhere to. One of the 14 Principles of Management is discipline. In addition to our zero-tolerance policies, we also have a progressive discipline policy that managers must abide by. This policy is designed to use the least severe action believed necessary to correct the undesirable situation and increase the severity of the action only if the condition is not corrected. I also use something called the Table of Illustrative Actions. This table is used as a guide to assist managers in determining the appropriate disciplinary action.When Fayol discusses discipline, he states, “The employee should be given the chance to correct the mistake.” I believe this to be true. The Administrative Theory supports a formalized administrative structure, a clear division of labor, and delegation of power. It allows room for error and methods to correct performance discrepancies through a chain of command.


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