Task 1: See etextbook chapter 7, page 212 problem 7.39 problem specifications an


Task 1: See etextbook chapter 7, page 212 problem 7.39 problem specifications and use Visio to develop a context diagram and as many nested DFDs as you consider necessary to represent all the details of the employee hiring system described in this problem. Save the Visio files using “your last name 7-39 Context” and “your last name 7-39 DFD” as the file names; e. g., Hashemi 7-39 Context and Hashemi 7-39 DFD”. Task 2: See etextbook chapter 8, page 275 problem 8-61 problem specifications, and use Visio to develop an ER diagram to represent the details of the customer order depicted in figure 8-4 on page 247. Save the Visio file using “your last name 8-61″ as the file name; e. g., Hashemi 8-61. Task 3: See etextbook chapter 9, page 335 problem 9-47 (a, b and c) problem specifications, and use Word for answers to parts a & c, and use Visio for answer to part b (ER Diagram). Save files using your “last name 9-47 A and C,” and “your last name 9-47 B”; e.g., Hashemi 9-47 A and C.


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