This exercise will lead you a little further down the trail with respect to acti


This exercise will lead you a little further down the trail with respect to acti

This exercise will lead you a little further down the trail with respect to activities in our class. This exercise is an introductory exercise where you will sketch a cross-section of the Earth following the directions (pdf) given using colored pencils, a ruler (metric), and paper. The paper can be a roll of adding machine paper (they are sold at WalMart or any office supply store and one roll would be enough for several people) OR feel free to tape several pieces of typing paper together (short side to short side is best) to form a suitable length for your sketch. Print the directions out and answer the questions (suggested answers are included at the end! so its not likely you’ll miss them) or submit them as written responses, but please indicate the questions you are answering. Your submittal should be done as two files: 1) Your completed cross-section (make it pretty!) and 2) answers to the questions at the end of the assignment. Make sure your images are taken from close enough to show enough suitable detail. Your files are attached below.
*Note: the resource table/chart referenced in the instructions is page 10 on the esrt file.


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