HR Strategic Management (CIPD) 1-please use your own words don’t copy and paste


HR Strategic Management (CIPD)
1-please use your own words don’t copy and paste

HR Strategic Management (CIPD)
1-please use your own words don’t copy and paste (no plagiarism)
2- Please use keyboard (don’t use handwriting)
3-All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
4- I want answer with APA reference, References at least 7 to 9.
5- The Answer should be total of 2500 words for each question 280 words
Task – Information Sheet
Your manager has asked you to prepare an information sheet about the organization and its environment to support the onboarding of a new member of the People Team. You decide that to be effective in their role, the new team member needs an appreciation of the organization’s activities, goals and how the external environment impacts these. As organizational culture and change are essential to achieving business goals and responding to the external environment you decide to add points about these too.
Your information sheet can be based on your own organization or one(s) with which you are familiar, and must include the following:
An examination of three key external influences impacting or likely to impact the organization’s activities. (AC 1.1)
A discussion of at least two of the organization’s business goals and why it is important for organizations to plan for how they will achieve these. (AC 1.2)
A discussion of the organization’s products and/or services and main customers. (AC 1.3)
A short review of information and communication technologies available to people professionals and how these can be, or are, used to improve working practices and collaboration.(AC 1.4)
A definition of what is meant by organizational culture and an explanation of why it is important to foster an appropriate and effective workplace culture. (AC 2.1)
An explanation of how organizations are whole systems, within which aspects such as structure, systems and culture, are all inter-related, and how people professionals’ work and actions could impact elsewhere in the organization. (AC 2.2)
An explanation of why it is important that organizational change is planned, and effectively managed. (AC 3.1)
An explanation of the importance and role that can be played by people professionals within change. You might consider roles such as: gatekeeper, champion, facilitator, critical friend or record-keeper. (AC 3.2)
A discussion of how organizational change can impact people in different ways, such as changing their role or status or financial situation. (AC 3.3)
The evidence must consist of:
An information sheet of approximately 2500 words.
Please make it clear in your evidence which question and AC you are addressing, for example, Q1 – AC1.1.


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