Choose a topic: The topic of your paper should be something that you are interes


Choose a topic: The topic of your paper should be something that you are

Choose a topic: The topic of your paper should be something that you are
interested in and that you have some knowledge about. It should also be
a topic that is narrow enough to be manageable, but broad enough to
allow for research and discussion. No matter what topic you choose, make
sure to focus on the legal aspects of the issue and to support your
arguments with evidence from the law.
Length: 3-5 pages, double-spaced (not including cover page and references page)
Formatting: APA style
Topic: Relevant to business law (consider topics we have already covered)
Sources: Variety of credible sources, including scholarly articles, textbooks, and case law
Argument: Clear and well-argued thesis statement, supported by evidence from the sources cited
Organization: Well-organized and easy to follow
Introduction: Clear overview of the topic and thesis statement
Body paragraphs: Develop the argument and support it with evidence
Conclusion: Summarize the main points of the argument and restate the thesis statement
Writing style: Clear, concise, and grammatically correct
Citations: Correct and consistent use of citations
Reference list: Minimum of 3 credible sources


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