The ASSURE model uses a step-by-step process to help you create the framework fo


The ASSURE model uses a step-by-step process to help you create the framework for lessons integrating technology to enhance student learning.
The steps in the ASSURE model are:
A – Analyze learners,
S – State standards and objectives,
S – Select strategies and resources,
U – Utilize resources,
R – Require learner participation, and
E – Evaluate and revise.
More information on the ASSURE model steps is provided on the Learning Objects page.
In this assignment, you will use the ASSURE model to design a one-week curricular unit for your blended course (Module 1) and integrate digital tools to support learning and assessment. You may use a lesson plan template of your choice. Your plan will include three distinct lessons with objectives aligned to state and/or national standards and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students.
Prior to starting this assignment, review the blended lesson design and content you selected in Module 1.
Step 1. Analyze Learners
Identify the target learner population (Module 1) and analyze the learner characteristics. Consider prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes and any specific learner needs. Describe how you will use technology to assist learners with disabilities or other special needs.
Step 2-1. Identify Standards
Choose relevant state and/or national standards and appropriate ISTE Standards for Students for each of the three lessons.
Choose 1-2 state and/or national standards for each lesson.
Choose 1-2 ISTE standards for each lesson.
Step 2-2. Write Objectives
Use the ABCDs to write one learning objective for each of the 3 lessons.
Begin with the learner (A-Audience).
Choose the behavior (B) you want learners to demonstrate.
The condition (C) is that technology is used to support learning and assess achievement of the chosen objectives.
Finally, determine the degree (D) to which the new knowledge must be demonstrated for mastery. This gives you the beginning point (learners skills) and ending point (mastery) of instruction.
The ABCDs Objectives Checklist linked on the Learning Objects page provides additional information on writing objectives.
Step 3. Select Strategies and Resources
In each of the three lessons, select a strategy and a digital tool to convey the content and achieve the learning objective.
Provide a rationale for each selection and any needed modifications.
Step 4. Utilize Resources
Utilize the 5Ps to plan how you will use each of the strategies and digital tools from Step 3 to help learners achieve the learning objective in each lesson. See the Module 3, Part 1 video presentation.
Step 5. Require Participation
Within each lesson, ensure opportunities for these types of interactions: learner-to-content (application), learner-to-learner (peer collaboration and feedback), learner-to-instructor (instructor collaboration), and learner-to-self (self-reflection).
Step 6. Evaluate and Revise
Design a formative assessment for each lesson and a cumulative summative assessment. Integrate technology into each assessment. The assessments should be designed to provide feedback to learners and to revise the lessons as needed.
Step 7. Compile and Submit
Compile and submit the lessons and the assessments in your choice of format. No APA references are required for this assignment.


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