In this discussion I want you to provide me with your concluding thoughts about


In this discussion I want you to provide me with your concluding thoughts about the topics you learned during the course. I do not want you to focus on all that you learned, but two clear topics (narrow ones, not something vague like civil rights) that you found of interest. You must include information that we discussed in our 8 weeks together, and not something we didn’t
In order to earn full points, you need to be specific about two topics that you learned about, and put them in context. That means, show that you ” get” why those topics are important, what happened before, after, etc. Do not hunt and peck for information, but put it in context. Show mastery of those two narrow topics (for example, “civil rights” is not a topic, it is too broad, something like Jim Crow is too broad, as well). The topics you choose must have been discussed in this course, in our discussions and 8 weeks together. You need clear paragraphs, an intro, and a conclusion. I expect a couple of paragraphs, at least.
Topics:The Great Depression and The March on Washington Movement


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