Directions After reading about ways of knowing, describe a patient scenario (fac


After reading about ways of knowing, describe a patient scenario (fact or fiction) when all types of knowledge were used in the situation (personal, empirical, ethical, and aesthetic). Please do not attach or upload a formal paper to the discussion board, as these will not benefit others and will not be graded. Introduction
A good introduction begins with a few general statements about the topic. In addition, an introduction also has a purpose statement so the reader will know what will be presented in the paper. One example is: The purpose of this discussion is to describe a patient scenario and detail how the ways of knowing were utilized in the situation of patient care. Patient Scenario:
Describe a patient scenario (fact or fiction) when all types of knowledge were used (personal, empirical, ethical, and aesthetic). Offer the reader clear examples (No reference is required in this section). Define and Discuss Personal and Empirical ways of knowing (add reference)
Define and Discuss Ethical and Aesthetic ways of knowing (add reference)
How do you believe ways of knowing can assist nurses in their professional role?
Write a Conclusion Statement
A good conclusion summarizes the main points in the discussion; only one paragraph is required. No reference is required.


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