please create 2 lesson plans, each of them 2 pages long based on the attached un


please create 2 lesson plans, each of them 2 pages long based on the attached unit plan. Please create the lesson plans based on the first 2 lessons in the unit plan. There is also an attached lesson plan templateThese are the professors instructions for the lesson plans:For this assignment you will plan an activity/lesson that could be used in an early childhood setting. The lesson should promote conceptual understanding of the topic. You need to:Use the lesson plan format in the EDU602 Textbook (Sorte et al.) on page 269-270, or another format provided the required elements are included.For the “vocabulary focus” choose 1-2 words that you will focus on in the lesson. You need to make sure you provide opportunity for the children to use the words or topics.For the “goal” your goal or objective needs to be aligned to NYS standards. Include the NYS standard in your plan (you can cut


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