response This week you have readings discussing WWII from three different momen


This week you have readings discussing WWII from three different moments in time: the mobilization of troops and resources at the start, the use of atomic weapons at the end of the war, and the occupation of Japan in the postwar era. In all three moments, women played important roles: sometimes, as with pinups, these roles were symbolic, in other instances, though, as with the occupation, they were very real, indeed. Addressing this week’s readings, tell us what was new for women during World War II, or, alternatively, what may have been very old. Did WWII create new opportunities for women (if so, for all women, or just some of them?), or did it perpetuate the very kinds of norms and expectations that have hindered women’s abilities to display their own agency and autonomy in both the private and public spheres since the time of Antigone? Last but not least, if you have ever seen a film, read a book, or watched a cartoon or a television show about WWII, what images of women appeared in it? Do those images match up with what you read this week?


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