Public Advocacy in Action Browse our campus newspaper –


Public Advocacy in Action
Browse our campus newspaper – (Browse not only at current stories, but archival stories.) What issues surface in the newspaper about your campus and the lives of the students?
Write some of your observations on the piece and include a link to the article—reflecting upon a piece of advocacy your student newspaper addresses.
Begin with a discussion of the issue.
Next, examine how the author/editor chose to frame the piece.
What does it say about the author’s/editor’s assumptions and beliefs?
What were you left thinking, wondering, believing, after reading the piece?
Do you have any suggestions for the author to make the piece accessible to the readers?
Toward Praxis
Reflection: How do you typically think about communication? Do you usually see it as a way of sharing your ideas, or do you think of communication as a way to come up with ideas (or something in between)? Is one way of understanding communication better than another in different contexts (at home, at school, at work, in government, etc.)
Discussion: What is social justice? How do we know when something is or is not socially just?


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