Module 04 Content Background ScenarioYour state licensing representative has jus


Module 04 Content
ScenarioYour state licensing representative has just informed you that because of the surge in COVID-19 cases reported within your family childcare home, in-person instruction has again been canceled for the remainder of the school year. Due to this stay-at-home order, you begin to develop a plan to help your preschoolers and their families successfully transition from face-to face, hands-on learning to going remote. You have decided to conduct internet research and find an app that will provide the most effective ways to communicate with parents and families during remote learning.
You understand that simply typing messages by email or on your learning platform will not be enough to continue to engage families. Therefore, you plan to regularly check-in and continue to strengthen connections with parents and families via on-going phone calls, texts, written notes, and Zoom conferences that show how much you care. However, with so many virtual learning apps that allow teachers and parents to efficiently communicate with one another, you are determined to find a tool to keep your communication consistent.DirectionsFor this assignment, you will conduct internet research to find an application (app) for smart-er teacher-parent communication.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to purchase the communication app or have access to it. You will create your presentation based on your internet research, reviews you have read about the app, and/or feedback from colleagues, family members, or friends who are familiar with the app.Research: You will need to find an app that has at least four, if not all, of the following:
Mobile-friendly: The app does not require Wi-Fi or data and/or can be used offline to make accommodations for the technical obstacles children and their families might be facing.
Text Messages: The app sends out consistent text messages to parents and families about important dates, class assignments, and sudden changes.
Reporting: The app sends weekly email reports that show what students accomplished for the week.
Calendar: The app provides a snapshot of upcoming events and activities, in addition to upcoming projects or assignments.
Office Hours: The app allows you to set up and provide virtual office hours or online check-in times for parents to talk to you and ask questions about their student’s learning, remote learning expectations, etc.
One Stop Shop: The app keeps all important information in one place making it easier for parents to recall details because they know where to access class and school information.
PowerPoint Presentation: Once you have identified your parent-teacher communication app, you will host a virtual parent meeting. The goal of this meeting is to introduce the new app and train them on how to best use it. You will create a PowerPoint presentation for this meeting. The presentation will include the following items:
Title Slide (1 slide): Introduce your presentation.
Introduction (1 slide): Introduce yourself, your name, your current role in the early learning program, your experience working with children and families, and include other information you feel relevant to share.
Introduce the App and Overview (2-3 slides): Include a clear description of the new tool. Include images (clip art, online photo, internet images, etc.)
Explain the features of the app. Describe in detail what the app can do and how the app will help create a better learning environment for families.
Research (2-3 slides): Use current facts, data, and statistics found in your internet research about the importance of using technology to strengthen communication and to build relationships with families.
Include graphs, survey data, charts, etc. to support your research.
Importance (1-2 slides): Describe how promoting parent partnerships positively links to better child outcomes.
Examples (1 slide): Share at least three examples of how the app helps to cultivate healthy communication between home and school.
References (1 slide): Include at least two sources in APA format with in-text citations.
The Presentation: You will record yourself giving your PowerPoint presentation on Zoom.
You will create a Zoom account if you do not already have one.
You will create a Zoom meeting. You will record your presentation by sharing your screen and recording at the same time.
Be sure your audio presentation does not extend more than one minute per slide as you read and share.
Make sure:Your PowerPoint presentation has at least nine slides and follows the format described above.
Slides are engaging and include appropriate visuals.
Include APA citations to all sources used for this assignment, including a title page and reference page in APA format. Include at least one resource from the course lesson content or Rasmussen library.
Use professional language and a professional appearance (i.e., hair, clothing, voice and tone, organized and neat background/environment)
All work should be formatted professionally and use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Submission RequirementSubmit your completed PowerPoint presentation and a link to the video recording by following the directions linked below.Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your assignment as a PowerPoint presentation or a PDF. Make sure to also include the link to your recording. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:Jstudent_exampleproblem_101504Additional ResourcesPowerPoint Presentation
Create a Zoom Account
Record a PowerPoint Presentation in Zoom
APA Guide
Writing Guide


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